Your questions or feedback are always welcome at Bliss!

Join in a conversation with one of our Diamond and Jewelry consultants, to help you make the right decision. Let’s Chat!


Speak directly to a Diamond and Jewelry expert for free.

Tel: +972-54-731-2180



Send us your question in an email we will respond promptly.



Tuval 21, Diamonds Exchange, Hayahalom Tower,

Ramat Gan, 5252236, Israel.

Tel: +972-54-731-2180

Tel: +972-54-329-6868


General Inquiries

All general inquiries go directly to the company's general email, so our team will identify your location and refer you to the nearest branch to you.



ISRAEL branch

If you want to send your request to our specific branch, Just press on the New York email link to get in touch. email:

belgium branch

If you want to send your request to our specific branch, Just press on the Belgium email link to get in touch. email: